Saltwater Fishing News
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- Published: Thursday, 28 April 2011 16:16
- Hits: 21446
UPDATE : 5/01 Fluke Season Will Start As Planned
Fluke Season Opening In Jeopardy If DEP Fails To Act
The New Jersey
chapter of the Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA-NJ) today sent a
letter to Governor Chris Christie, copying the Commissioner of the
Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Bob Martin, urging
immediate action to ensure that the 2011 summer flounder (fluke) season
gets underway as scheduled on May 7th.
Following action by the
New Jersey Marine Fisheries Council (Council) on April 7 to enact the
2011 summer flounder regulations as having a season of May 7-September
25 with a bag limit of eight fish per person and minimum size of 18
inches, the Bureau of Marine Fisheries subsequently submitted the
regulation for approval by the DEP the following day. In past years,
regulations approved by the Council were enacted almost immediately,
however, according to the RFA-NJ nearly three weeks have now passed
without approval of the regulation by the DEP.
RFA-NJ is advising anglers to contact the Commissioner's office by calling 609-292-2885 and requesting that the 2011 summer flounder regulations be enacted as quickly as possible.