NY Saltwater Regulations
- Details
- Category: Uncategorised
- Published: Friday, 06 August 2010 21:00
- Hits: 43474
2010 New York Marine Recreational Fishing Limits
Species | Size Limits (Total Length in Inches) |
Daily Possession Limits (Number of Fish) |
Open Seasons |
Summer flounder (fluke) | 21 | 2 | May 15 - Sept 6 |
Winter flounder | 12 | 2 | April 1 - May 30 |
Tautog (blackfish) | 14 | 4 | Oct 1 - Dec 20 Jan 17 - Apr 30 |
Bluefish (including "snappers") | No minimum size for first 10 fish 12 TL for the next 5 |
15 No more than 10 of which shall be less than 12" TL |
All year |
Weakfish | 16 10 filleted 12 dressed |
1 | All year |
Atlantic cod* | 22 | 10* | All year |
Pollock | 19 | No limit | All year |
Haddock | 18 | No limit | All year |
Striped bass: marine waters** Anglers aboard licensed party/charter boats |
28 | 2*** | Apr 15 - Dec 15 |
Striped bass: marine waters** All other anglers |
28 - 40 >40 |
1 1 |
Apr 15 - Dec 15 |
Striped bass: Hudson River north of George Washington Bridge | 18 | 1 | Mar 16 - Nov 30 |
Red drum | No minimum size | No limit for fish less than 27" TL. Fish greater than 27" shall not be possessed. |
All year |
Spanish mackerel | 14 | 15 | All year |
King mackerel | 23 | 3 | All year |
Cobia | 37 | 2 | All year |
Atlantic sturgeon | Moratorium | Moratorium | Moratorium |
Black Sea Bass | 12.5 | 25 | May 22 - Oct 11 Nov 1 - Dec 31 |
Scup (Porgy) Anglers aboard licensed party/charter boats |
11 | 10 40*** |
June 8 - Sept 6 Sept 7 - Oct 11*** |
Scup (Porgy) All other anglers |
10.5 | 10 | May 24 - Sept 26 |
American eel | 6 | 50 | All year |
Monkfish (goose fish) | 17 11 tail length |
Any number | All year |
American Shad | Possession Prohibited | Possession Prohibited | Possession Prohibited |
Hickory Shad | No size limit | 5 | All year |
Yellowtail flounder | 13 | No limit | All year |
Oyster toadfish | 10 | 3 | July 16 - May 14 |
Horseshoe crabs | No size limit | 5 | All year |
Blue Crab+ Hard Shell Soft Shell Peeler/Shedder++ |
4 1/2" 3 1/2" 3" |
50 | All year |
All Other Crabs+ | No size limit | 50 | All year |
American lobster+ (Recreational permit required) | 3 3/8" minimum carapace length 51/4" maximum carapace length | 6 | All year |
*Anglers on board federally permitted party or charter vessels may possess any number of Atlantic cod, consistent with federal rules.
** Marine waters -- South of George Washington Bridge
*** The customer of any party/charter boat who takes more than 10 scup from Sept 7 - Oct 11 or takes two striped bass from Apr 15 - Dec 15 must possess an original dated receipt from the licensed vessel.
+ Lobsters and crabs in spawn (eggs visible thereon) may not be taken or possessed.
++ Peeler or shedder crabs are hard blue crabs which have a fully formed soft shell beneath the hard outer shell and the impending shedding process is evidenced by the white sign along the outer rim of the paddle-like appendages on the crab's fifth pair of legs.
Category | Species | Minimun Size Limit | Daily Possession Limit |
Allowed Sharks | Tiger, Blacktip, Bull, Great hammerhead, Lemon, Nurse, Scalloped hammerhead, Smooth hammerhead, Spinner, Blue, Shortfin mako, Oceanic whitetip, Porbeagle, Common Thresher | 54 inches fork length* | One shark per vessel per trip, except that one additional Atlantic Sharpnose and one additional Bonnethead may be taken and possessed per angler per trip. |
Atlantic Sharpnose, Bonnethead, Finetooth, Blacknose | No size limit | ||
Smooth Dogfish, Spiny Dogfish | No size limit | Any number | |
Prohibited Sharks | Atlantic angel, Galapagos, Basking, Longfin mako, Bigeye sand tiger, Narrowtooth, Bigeye Sixgill, Night, Bigeye thresher, Sand tiger, Bignose, Carribean reef, Carribean sharpnose, Smalltail, Dusky, Whale, White+, Silky and Sandbar, Sharpnose sevengill, Bluntnose sixgill. | No possession allowed | No possession allowed |
* Fork length means the straightline measurement of a fish from the tip of the snout to the fork of the tail. The measurement is not made along the curve of the body.
+ A person may fish for white sharks with rod and reel, provided the person releases such fish immediately with a minimum of injury and that such fish may not be removed from the water.
Other provisions
All landed sharks must have head, tails and fins attached.
No sale allowed.
No finning.